Stroud General Hospital and Maternity Unit – now
Link to THE ORIGINS OF STROUD GENERAL HOSPITAL c. 1750-1874 Compiled by C G Burcher
Link to Digital Stroud – Hospital
History of Stroud Dispensary A brief history of Stroud Dispensary and Hospital
Articles from local newspapers
Stroud’s New Hospital opened 1875

Photos taken March 2015 of items at Stroud General Hospital by P Stevens
Stroud General Hospital and Maternity Unit Now

Found during 2014 search of Citizen archive. Click on the pictures to enlarge.
History of Stroud Dispensary and Hospital
Transcript of second page of this article:
1974 The installation of the Nurse Call, Radio and Television system which was dedicated by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese in May. Cost to the Friends of over £6,000.
The Freemasons of the Town and District gave much support to the Hospital and at the laying of the memorial stone in 1873 (or 4?) attended a service in the Parish Church together with other clubs and organisations and processed to the Hospital site to the formal laying of the Memorial Stone.
The same evening a dinner was served in Stroud Subscription Rooms at which some 600 sat down!
1975 May 30th & 31st Centenary celebrations at Stroud Subscription Rooms and at the General Hospital
Articles from local newspapers
Found during 2014 search of Citizen archive. Click on the cuttings to enlarge.
Maiden Flight: Miss Marion Light, 51-year old Matron of Stroud Maternity Hospital, makes her first flight in a hot air balloon on May 24 to start Stroud hospital centenary celebrations. ‘It was my idea. I’m game for anything within reason’, said Miss Light, ‘ They say it’s the safest form of travel in 1975’
1990 – 1999
2000 to 2006