
Wallbridge photographs

a research resource from Stroud Local History Society                           Copyright copyright logo

The story  of Wallbridge was published in May 2022 – then more photographs came to light!

There are lots of stories in the book about the people who lived and worked at Wallbridge when it was a busy industrial hamlet.

For a review of the Wallbridge book and where you can buy one: CLICK HERE.

There is also a general view of Wallbridge Mill, Stroud, with a single storey range in the foreground on the Historic England website. Date:1956. Reference: AA98/04428



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These photographs were taken by the late Norman Andrews in 1970

Added May 2024

Wallbridge Upper Lock

Bridge over canal to Midland Railway Station (by builders’ merchant)


The canal under the viaduct at Capel Mill – the road Dr Newton’s Way goes under there now


Mr Cole’s House

Bell Hotel

Weighbridge office at bottom of Rowcroft, just before Cheapside. The weighbridge was in the road. Now covered by a wall.

View of Wallbridge from Midland Railway Viaduct – the builders’ merchant is still there and the viaduct at Merrywalks, but most of the other buildings have gone









Wallbridge Mill

This building s still there and used by the Vets, but the rest have gone

Parts of Wallbridge Mill dated from 1640

Warehouse by Wallbridge Mill


The following photoraphs were taken by the late Lionel Walrond in 1961.

Added June 2022. Courtesy of his family.

More of Lionels’ photographs can be seen at https://glosdocs.org.uk/gsia-walrondln-images/

This was Mr Cole’s house that he modernised in 1714 – the date was still above the door when it was demolished in 1970. It once had a flour mill behind it. It used to be on the opposite side of the road from the builders’ merchant.

This window may have been in the house or the cloth mill





A research note from the SLHS digital archive  Copyright copyright logo

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