Badbrook, Merrywalks & Slad Rd and Old Stroud Brewery

a research resource from Stroud Local History Society                           Copyright copyright logo

Since these books were written, more photos have turned up

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SLHS books for sale:

These photographs were taken by the late Norman Andrews in 1970

Old Stroud Brewery, Rowcroft (Ecotricity is there now)

Back of brewery buidings by canal – bottom floor windows remain

  Old Stroud Brewery buildings by Merrywalks viaduct

Old Stroud Brewery at Salmon Springs – originally Godsells

Old Police Station & Petty Sessional Court buildings at bottom of Gloucester Street

The following photographs were taken by the late Lionel Walrond,

digitised by Dr Ray Wilson, licenced under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0, with photos taken in 2022 by Pauline Stevens

More of Lionels’ photographs can be seen at

Old Stroud Brewery, now Ecotricity, but built in 1990 for Stroud & Swindon Building Society

Old Stroud Brewery, conveyor and barrels between big maltings and railway, 1967


Old Stroud Brewery, malthouse in Merrywalks, c.1967

Brewery from Cainscross Rd




Old Stroud Brewery from Merrywalks, malthouse and grain store on right, old maltings beyond, cooling room and maltmill room background left, c.1967









Old Stroud Brewery, demolition of chimney between railway and Rowcroft, view from railway station, 1969


Badbrook House

View from Badbrook House towards junction of Slad Road and Merrywalks, Public Baths, Bus Station, Woolworths, Stroud Brewery chimney, 1967

Slad Rd, County Council warehouse (originally warehouse and stables), and back of School of Art and Science.


Locking Hill Surgery from 1982 to 2023

Junction of Locking Hill and Slad Rd



Locking Hill c.1967

and demolition in 1975



Locking Hill cottages, looking uphill, 1967

Locking Hill cottages looking downhill, 1967

Slad Road, Cotswold Food Distributors Ltd and cottage c.1967, sold for conversion to garage, now Coop

Slad Road tailoring factory opposite entrance to Park Gardens, 1969


Park gardens, Slad Rd and garage, 1975


A research note from the SLHS digital archive. Added May 2024.  Copyright copyright logo

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