Princess Elizabeth came to Stroud in March 1950

a research resource from Stroud Local History Society                           Copyright copyright logo

0 scrapbook
In 1950 Princess Elizabeth visited Slimbridge, then came to Stroud to catch the train, calling in at the Imperial Hotel. Stroud High School pupils waved as the car went past, and one of them made a scrapbook about the event. We used this to make a display in the Town Council Office window, from Monday 18th to Monday 25th April, as it is the Queen’s 90th birthday on 21st April 2016

Display in Town Council window April 2016 QE2 90th A3A QE2 90th A3B


QE2 90th A3D QE2 90th A3E


QE2 90th A3FDisplay by Marion Hearfield and Pauline Stevens


Cuttings from the scrapbook made by Sue Harrison:

After staying at Badminton, the Princess went to Slimbridge

1a Slimbridge     1b at Slimbridge   1c at Slimbridge

1b at Slimbridge1aa Slimbridge

1ab Slimbridge


1c at Slimbridge



1d at Slimbridge

1d at Slimbridge

then to Stroud, where she signed the distinguished visitors’ book at the Imperial Hotel

5a to the train


2 in Stroud

2 In Stroud

3 Stroud

3 Stroud

4a at the Imperial

4a at the Imperial

4b at the Imperial

4b at the Imperial

4c at the Imperial

4c at the Imperial

4d at the Imperial

4d at the Imperial


and caught the train

5 to the train

A research note from the SLHS digital archive added Apr 2016. Copyright copyright logo

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